Join Us

Join-Us-258x300We would love to have you join us for worship Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM. We are located at 3721 Modoc Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105. Easiest access is off of Modoc Road, though there is also a side entrance directly into our main parking lot off of Ferrara Way. If you enter off of Modoc Road, please follow the drive around our school building to the right to enter our main parking lot with the easiest access to our front double doors.

We hope that you will come comfortably dressed, but also with respect for those around you. Some people wear suits and ties to our worship, while others come in shorts or jeans. Our members range in age from a few years old to over 90 years old.

Plan on arriving by 9:20 AM. This gives you time to get oriented. You will be greeted as you reach our front doors and will be given some information about our congregation and other activities.

We have a nursery area located just to the right of the glass doors into the main sanctuary, and you are welcome to go there with your young children if they grow restless during the service or if you wish to nurse discretely. We hope that you’ll spend the majority of your time with us in the sanctuary, though you can hear and see the service from the nursery room. We encourage families to worship together through the entire service. Fidgety kids are normal – don’t feel like you need to hide in the nursery the whole time!  We believe it is valuable and important for children to worship with their parents so they can learn from their parents how to worship!

If you have prayer requests, please fill out a prayer request card located in the pews (seats). You can give it to an usher as the offering is collected. These cards are conveyed to the pastor who will pray for them aloud during the service. Please include the name (if applicable) of the person being prayed for and a short, specific description of the prayer request (healing from a sickness, comfort in a time of loss, guidance in a time of uncertainty, etc.). Please print clearly!

Our worship times include songs, confession & absolution, readings from Scripture, a sermon, and on the first, third and fifth Sundays of each month Holy Communion. This is the continuation of Jesus’ last supper with His disciples and is considered one of the most intimate and sacred parts of our worship service. If you are visiting for the first time, please speak with the Pastor or an Elder before the service if you would like to participate in Holy Communion. Please do not feel as though it is something that you have to do just because everyone else is doing it. As a first-time visitor, you can come forward just for a blessing from the pastor (cross your arms over your chest to indicate you just want a blessing), especially if you are unfamiliar with Lutheran sacramental beliefs. We take 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 seriously and ask that those who desire to participate in Holy Communion do as well.

Light refreshments are available after the worship service, and include coffee, water, and a variety of snacks. Most Sundays we gather in Luther Hall, just down the hallway from our sanctuary. This is a great time to get to know other folks and learn more about our community.

We provide a time of further teaching and discussion in a Bible Study led by the pastor after worship at 11:00 AM.  We encourage you to gather with us to further experience the Word of God as the Holy Spirit works within us!

Through the week we usually have additional opportunities for further study, and we can provide you with up-to-date information if you call or visit with us. During certain times of the year (Advent in December and Lent in mid-spring) we have midweek Wednesday services at 7:00 pm to provide further opportunity for contemplation and reflection during these important times of anticipation and preparation for Christmas and Easter.